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Politics and Society Podcasts


George the Poet Meets Mariana Mazzucato – A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism

Join one of the world’s most exciting and original economists for a powerful new approach for dealing with inequality, disease and climate change.


Malcolm Gladwell – How to Make a Good First Impression

From Blink to Outliers, Revisionist History to David and Goliath, no-one challenges our shared assumptions and invites us to rethink human nature like Malcolm Gladwell.


Caitlin Moran – More Than a Woman

‘First, you have to learn how to be a woman. Then middle age arrives, and you realise you have to become … more than a woman. To those around you, you’re now the Fourth Emergency Service.” – Caitlin Moran


Yanis Varoufakis Meets Owen Jones

The global crisis of COVID-19 presents an opportunity for a radical rethink of Britain as we know it. Join two icons of the Left as they imagine a future for progressive politics.


Philip Lymbery – How to Live Sustainably in a Changing World

Our meat and dairy intensive diets are destroying the planet. In this podcast, animal welfare environmentalist Philip Lymbery shares the new science of living sustainably and makes a powerful case for changing how we eat.


Jung Chung – Three Women at the Heart of 20th Century China

Wild Swans author Jung Chang presents a true story of love, war and betrayal: the lives of the Soong sisters, who each rose to the heights of power and left an indelible mark on modern China.


David Mitchell – Dishonesty is the Second Best Policy

Are smartphones more dangerous than nuclear weapons? Should we uninvent the Internet? The comedian and columnist joins us with witty reflections upon our dumbfounding post-truth age.


Jess Phillips – How to Speak Truth to Power

At a time when many of us feel the world isn’t listening, Jess Phillips is here to teach us how to get organised, speak out and fight against injustice in all its forms.


Thandie Newton Meets Gloria Steinem

For decades Gloria Steinem has helped women empower themselves. Now the legendary feminist meets Emmy and BAFTA winning actress and activist to share her insights. >>


Roman Krznaric – How to Think Long-Term in a Short-Term World

The greatest challenge facing humankind is not climate change or terrorism; it is our inability to think long term. Britain’s leading public philosopher is here to change the way we think to ensure a tomorrow.


Madeleine Albright – Hell and Other Destinations

Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright may be the most widely admired diplomat of our age.


Glennon Doyle – How to Find Yourself

The legendary author of Love Warrior explores the themes of her latest book, Untamed — the joy and peace we discover when we stop striving to meet the expectations of the world, and start trusting the voice deep within us.


Martin Wolf – The World After the Pandemic

Revered by politicians and business leaders, the FT’s Martin Wolf may be the world’s most influential economic commentator.


L. David Marquet – Leadership is Language

‘David Marquet is the kind of leader who comes around only once in a generation… His ideas and lessons are invaluable’ – Simon Sinek


Julia Ebner – Undercover With Extremists

Frustrated by the limits of an outsider’s perspective, counter-extremism expert Julia Ebner secretly infiltrated five fanatical groups.


Layla Saad – How to Fight White Supremacy

How can white people challenge racism — whether in the form of their own unconscious biases or the wider systems of white supremacy?


Julia Samuel – How to Adapt and Survive in a Time of Crisis

Psychotherapist Julia Samuel joined Hannah MacInnes on the How To Academy Podcast to tell us how to find unknown strengths in times of difficulty and change.


Mervyn King – How to Make Decisions for an Unknowable Future

Can we make better decisions by acknowledging radical uncertainty? Mervyn King and John Kay build a powerful case.


BONUS EPISODE – Global GoalsCast

The How To Academy Podcast presents an episode of one of our favourite shows: the Global GoalsCast.


Elif Shafak – How to Build Bridges in an Age of Division

Author and activist Elif Shafak is the most widely read female writer in her home nation of Turkey — but her fight to preserve and extend human rights is urgent no matter where you live.


Ai Weiwei – Human Rights in the 21st Century

Ai Weiwei is living proof that creativity can change our world for the better.


Paul Krugman – Politics, Economics, and the Fight for a Fairer Future

Nobel laureate and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman shares his insights into the Trump administration and beyond.


Joseph Stiglitz – How to Save American Capitalism

Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz challenges us to throw off the free market fundamentalists and reclaim our democratic power.


Eric Schmidt – How to Make a Trillion Dollars

In this week’s episode, Google’s former CEO Eric Schmidt, VP Jonathan Rosenberg and Director of Executive Communications Alan Eagle present a blueprint for farsighted leadership.


Life Lessons from Gina Miller

After her first Supreme Court victory, Gina Miller was asked how she could keep going at the cost of so much pain and aggravation. To her the answer was obvious: she’d been doing it all her life.


Hilary Cottam – How To Revolutionise the Welfare State

Dr. Hilary Cottam meets Matthew Stadlen to reveal her vision of a system that puts human connection first.


Chetna Gala Sinha – How to Fight Global Poverty

Matthew Stadlen meets activist and microfinance pioneer Chetna Gala Sinha, whose work in rural India empowers some of the world’s poorest women.


Rory Stewart – The Truth About Politics

Rory Stewart tells Hannah MacInnes what he’s discovered about British democracy in his time an MP and minister.


Matthew Syed – a Radical Blueprint for Creative Problem-solving

Where do the best ideas come from? Matthew Syed takes Matthew Stadlen on a fascinating journey through the new science of creative problem-solving.


Speeches That Changed the World

Simon Sebag Montefiore and an all-star cast of actors take you on a journey from ancient times to the present day with the greatest speeches in history.


Marie Forleo – How to Create Unstoppable Success

The athlete and entrepreneur Marie Forleo joined the How To Academy Podcast to teach us what she’s learned on her path to success.


Jonathan Safran Foer – How to Save the Planet

Feeling impotent in the face of the climate crisis? The bestselling author of EATING ANIMALS joined us to how how we really can make a difference.


Rory Sutherland – How to Be Less Rational (and More Brilliant)

The advertising legend Rory Sutherland joins us for a masterclass in improving business with the insights of psychological science.


Melinda Gates – How To Empower Women

In this week’s podcast, Melinda Gates makes a timely and necessary call to action for women’s empowerment.


John Humphrys – How to Make the News

Our greatest living current affairs journalist sits down with Matthew Stadlen to look back on a lifetime of holding our leaders to account.


An Insider’s Guide to Crime in America

Matthew Stadlen meets the former US district attorney who successfully prosecuted some of the most high-profile crimes in America.


An Insider’s Guide to Crime in America

Matthew Stadlen meets the former US district attorney who successfully prosecuted some of the most high-profile crimes in America.


How to Survive Climate Change

A terrifying vision of unfolding climate catastrophe may just be the wake-up call we need to save the future.


How to Make Change Happen

In this podcast, the author of Nudge, Professor Cass Sunstein, presents a guide for anyone who wishes to fuel – or block – transformative social change.