Dispatches from Afghanistan | How To Academy


Dispatches from Afghanistan

What does the future hold for the people of Afghanistan in the wake of America’s withdrawal and the Taliban’s return to power?

Bringing together leading Afghan politician and women’s rights advocate Fawzia Koofi, who was a member of the recent delegation negotiating peace with the Taliban; Sunday Times chief foreign correspondent Christina Lamb; BBC international correspondent Lyse Doucet; and award-winning war correspondent and New Yorker writer Jon Lee Anderson, this podcast explores both the transformation of everyday life in Afghanistan and the major humanitarian and political questions presented by the new status quo.

This episode was held as an online, free event with an optional donation. All proceeds were given to the 30 Birds Foundation, a non-profit organisation that works to safely evacuate vulnerable people from Afghanistan and provide ongoing support after resettlement. You can find more about the foundation and donate here.


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