Hilary Cottam - How To Revolutionise the Welfare State | How To Academy


Hilary Cottam – How To Revolutionise the Welfare State

Social designer and WEF Young Global Leader Dr. Hilary Cottam meets Matthew Stadlen to reveal her vision of a welfare system that puts human connection first.

How should we live? How should we care for one another; grow our capabilities to work, to learn, to love and fully realise our potential? In this week’s podcast, you’ll discover powerful, empirical and humanitarian new answers to these ancient questions.

Imitated and envied across the globe, the British welfare state was once revolutionary. But in 2020, our society faces urgent challenges that can only be solved with new and highly innovative solutions. In this conversation with Matthew Stadlen, internationally acclaimed social entrepreneur Dr Hilary Cottam explores her plan for rebuilding the welfare state with 21st century tools and resources. Both radical and practical, her ideas have garnered excitement from politicians across the world.

About Hilary Cottam:

Recognised by the World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader and named UK Designer of the Year in 2005, Hilary founded Participle (www.participle.net) to design working exemplars of a new welfare state. Before her UK work she spent twelve years in Africa and Latin America, latterly as an urban poverty specialist at the World Bank in Washington DC. Her TED Talk: Social Services are Broken: How Can We Fix Them has had over half a million views. She lives in London.


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