David Mitchell - Dishonesty is the Second Best Policy | How To Academy


David Mitchell – Dishonesty is the Second Best Policy

Are smartphones more dangerous than nuclear weapons? Should we uninvent the Internet? The comedian and columnist joins us with witty reflections upon our dumbfounding post-truth age.

Lying is probably as old as human language itself – an inevitable consequence of humanity’s greatest superpower. And comedian, Observer columnist and Peep Show star David Mitchell lies quite often (mostly about whether he is free to come to social events). But even he never expected to live in the post-truth age.

In conversation with broadcaster and journalist Hannah MacInnes, he joins us to rail against the times with the characteristic wit, warmth, originality and insight we’ve come to expect.

Praise for David Mitchell:

‘Mitchell is an exceptionally clever, eloquent and spot-on commentator. We should be grateful for him.’ Daily Mail, Books of the Year

‘Mitchell combines breathtaking general knowledge with withering wit and mordancy.’ Miranda Sawyer, Guardian

‘A satirist of crass innovations, a poet of minor irritations.’ Andrew Antony, Observer

‘A very, very clever man. Mitchell’s ability to convey complicated and intelligent ideas without ever being pretentious or worthy is beautiful to behold.’ James O’Brien, LBC



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