Mo Gawdat & Alice Law - A Guide to Stress-Free Living | How To Academy


Mo Gawdat & Alice Law – A Guide to Stress-Free Living

Google [X] tech pioneer, bestselling author and podcaster Mo Gawdat and stress management expert Alice Law are here to help us through the stress pandemic.

After spending decades as a leader in tech, Mo Gawdat turned his brilliant mind towards human flourishing, and showed how we can grow from our lives’ darkest moments. After the tragic death of his son Ali, Mo authored international bestseller Solve for Happy in honour of his son, and shared a formula for happiness that can be learned and adopted by all. Now he returns with Unstressable, co-authored with stress management expert Alice Law, and together they joins us for a moving conversation on managing stress and coping with trauma, revealing the resilience we develop from the most stressful moments of our life.

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