Katrine Marcal and Caroline Criado Perez - Mother of Invention | How To Academy


Katrine Marcal and Caroline Criado Perez – Mother of Invention

Every day, extraordinary inventions and innovative ideas are side-lined in a world that remains subservient to men.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. From the beginning of time, women have been pivotal to our society, offering ingenious solutions to some of our most vexing problems. More recently, it is women who have transformed the way we shop online, revolutionised the lives of disabled people and put the climate crisis at the top of the agenda.

For too long we have underestimated the consequences of sexism in our economy, and the way it holds all of us – women and men – back. In conversation with author and activist Caroline Criado Perez, Katrine Marçal sets the record straight and shows how, in a time of crisis, the ingenuity and intelligence of women is that very thing that can save us.

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