Dr Pooja Lakshmin - Sustainable Strategies For Real Self-Care | How To Academy


Dr Pooja Lakshmin – Sustainable Strategies For Real Self-Care

Forget juice cleanses. Forget crystal-infused water bottles. Leading physician Dr Pooja Lakshmin joins us with an evidence-based guide to achieving real and lasting wellbeing.

Leading psychiatrist Dr Pooja Lakshmin knows first-hand how toxic the wellness industry can be. In search of radical answers to her own personal experience of burnout and depression, she bought into the cult of wellness and faux “self-care” and found an industry rigged against women’s real interests. Now she joins us with an alternative framework for achieving true wellbeing. Using case studies, clinical research and actionable strategies, Dr Pooja is a leading a personal and social revolution that provides effective solutions to our society’s mental health crisis.

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