Adrian Hon - How Corporations and Governments Use Videogames to Control Us | How To Academy


Adrian Hon – How Corporations and Governments Use Videogames to Control Us

Game designer Adrian Hon reveals how videogame mechanics are being used to influence human behaviour in the real world and rob us of dignity and autonomy.

The creator of the wildly successful running app Zombies, Run! and a columnist for the prestigious videogame industry magazine EDGE, Adrian Hon makes games that make real world activities more rewarding and fun.

He joins the podcast not to celebrate the gamification of real world activities, but warn us against the abuse of these techniques — from corporations using games to exploit and control their workers to governments gamifying the rights of and privileges of their citizens.

And not all gamification is imposed upon us by authorities. From terror attacks to far right conspiracy theories, elements of gamification have spread into political extremism with horrifying and tragic consequences.

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