If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair – How To Lead Your Most Doubt Free Life | How To Academy

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If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair – How To Lead Your Most Doubt Free Life

Anya Hindmarch In Conversation With Hannah MacInnes

58 mins watch time

Posted May 2021

Business, Professional Development

‘When asked what my best piece of advice is, I nearly always reply with: “if in doubt, wash your hair.” On the one hand it’s flippant, even trivial. But on the other hand, everyone who smiles at my silly piece of advice must also in some way relate to this doubt I am referring to’ (Anya Hindmarch). From practical tips and quick fixes, to profound observations about confidence and creativity, fashion designer Anya Hindmarch will show you how to live a little better – and why sometimes, the answer can be as simple as washing your hair.