How To Think Like a Spy - Advice From The Former Director of GCHQ | How To Academy

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How To Think Like a Spy – Advice From The Former Director of GCHQ

David Omand in conversation with Matthew Stadlen

71 mins watch time

Posted October 2020


The former director of GCHQ reveals how British intelligence agencies reach judgements, establish confidence and act decisively – and how you can apply their insights into your own life.

In conversation with Matthew Stadlen, Professor Sir David Omand shows us how the big decisions in life will be easier to make when you apply the same frameworks used by British intelligence. Full of revealing examples from his storied career, including key briefings with Prime Ministers from Thatcher to Blair, and conflicts from the Falklands to Afghanistan, Professor Omand arms us with the tools to sort fact from fiction, and show us how to use real intelligence every day.