Physicist Carlo Rovelli Meets Theatre-Maker Simon McBurney | How To Academy


Physicist Carlo Rovelli Meets Theatre-Maker Simon McBurney

Join the superstar physicist and founder of Complicite for an Alice in Wonderland trip to the edge of space and time, science and imagination.

Carlo Rovelli is no ordinary scientist. With a genius for revealing the mysteries the universe to those of us without his gifts, he is the heir to Hawking, Sagan, and Feynman; and alone among the leaders of theoretical physics, he draws as much upon art, philosophy, and myth as equations and experiments to illuminate the splendour and strangeness of reality.

Now he joins one of the UK’s preeminent theatre practitioners, the wildly innovative actor, director, and founder of Complicite, Simon McBurney, to explore the most exhilarating questions in science and art.

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