Hein de Haas - Debunking Myths About Migration | How To Academy


Hein de Haas – Debunking Myths About Migration

Why do people really migrate and what does it mean for their destination nations? Prof Hein de Haas has dedicated his life to cutting through the sound and fury to understand how migration works.

Immigration is probably the most divisive and heated subject in British politics today and the same is true in many other countries, including the Netherlands – where our guest on this episode, Hein de Haas, is a Professor focused on migration and development. His new book How Migration Really Works is an eye-opener for anyone seeking an understanding of why people immigrate and what it means for their origin countries and destination countries. Neither left-wing or right-wing, the book illuminates what’s really at stake when we open or close our borders.

If you enjoy the episode, pick up a copy of Hein’s new book from our bookshop.org page and help support our local independent bookseller, Primrose Hill Books.

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