How to Think About Robots | How To Academy

Wed, 9 June 2021

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm GMT


How to Think About Robots

Kate Darling in conversation with Robin Ince

Inspired by our history with animals, join the renowned MIT researcher Kate Darling for a bold exploration of the relationship between robots and humans.

The robots are here. They make our cars, they deliver fast food, they mine the sea floor. And in the near-future their presence will increasingly enter our homes and workplaces – making human-robot interaction a frequent, everyday occurrence. What will this future look like? What will define the relationship between humans and robots?

Kate Darling, a world-renowned expert in robot ethics, joins Robin Ince to show that in order to understand the new robot world, we must first move beyond the idea that this technology will be something like us. Instead, we should look to our relationship with animals. Just as we have harnessed the power of animals to aid us in war and work, so too will robots supplement – rather than replace – our own skills and abilities.

A deeply original analysis of our technological future and the ethical dilemmas that await us, this livestream talk will explain how the treatment of machines can reveal a new understanding of our own history, our own systems and how we relate – not just to non-humans, but also to each other.

Will robots take our jobs? Who is responsible for a robot’s actions? Do robots have rights? Join us and discover the answers to all of these questions and more.

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Kate Darling

Researcher, MIT

Kate Darling is a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where she investigates social robotics and conducts experimental studies on human-robot interaction.

Robin Ince

Comedian and co-host of The Infinite Monkey Cage.

Robin Ince is the co-presenter of Radio 4’s multiple award winning The Infinite Monkey Cage. He spent 2019 appearing across the world in the Universal tour with Brian Cox – travelling from LA to Oslo, Wellington to Aberdeen and ending up in Reykjavik after shows at the O2 and Wembley Arena. Robin co-wrote How to Build a Universe (part 1) with Brian Cox and authored other works including The Importance of Being Interested – Adventures in Scientific Curiosity, and his most recent book, Bibliomaniac: An Obsessive’s Tour of the Bookshops of Britain.