Fascism is back. How can we stop its spread and defend democracy? The bestselling author of PostCapitalism offers a guide to defeating the new far right.
Fascism is back. In January, Trump supporters stormed the Capitol. Right-wing populism was supposed to be a firewall against far-right extremism – but the firewall is on fire. From Bolsonaro’s Brazil and Erdogan’s Turkey, fascism is not a horror that we have left in the past; it is a recurring nightmare that is happening again – and we need to find a better way to fight it.
In this livestream talk, Paul Mason offers a radical, hopeful blueprint for resisting the far right. The new far right is organisationally small, but its ideologies and symbols are proliferating across networks and social media, into the lives of many ordinary people.
History shows us the conditions that breed fascism, and how it can be successfully overcome. But it is up to us in the present to challenge it, and time is running out. From the ashes of Covid-19, we have an opportunity to create a fairer, more equal society. To do so, we must ask ourselves: what kind of world do we want to live in? And what are we going to do about it?
Photo credit: Theo McInnes (theomcinnes.com)