Inside Stories of 21st-Century Diplomacy | How To Academy

Mon, 6 February 2023

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm GMT

Inside Stories of 21st-Century Diplomacy

Lord George Robertson Meets Baroness Catherine Ashton

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Two of the UK’s foremost diplomats come together to lift the lid on modern-day diplomacy and examine if it is the right tool to create political collaboration and stability.

So much of modern-day diplomacy still takes place behind closed doors, away from cameras and prying eyes. So what does this vital role really look like in today’s world -and what does it take to do it well?

From 2009 to 2014, Cathy Ashton was the EU’s first High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, effectively Europe’s foreign policy supremo responsible for coordinating the EU’s response to international crises.

From the frozen conflict of Ukraine to the Serbia-Kosovo deal, Ashton faced the challenge of representing the views and values of 28 nations during one of the most turbulent times in living memory.

After sitting across the table with counterparts including John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Burns, as well as dictators and war criminals, Ashton now joins former Secretary General of NATO Lord George Robertson for a special online event. Together, the pair will take us behind the scenes at some of the century’s most important settlement negotiations.

This event will change the way you understand contemporary politics and offer essential insight into how modern diplomacy works, examining the tools needed to find our way through the many challenges we face today.

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Baroness Catherine Ashton

Labour Politician

Catherine Ashton served as the European Union’s first High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy from 2009 to 2014, and the first female EU Commissioner for Trade. She is a life peer and former Leader of the House of Lords, and served as a UK government minister in the Education and Justice departments. She is a Distinguished Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC and a consultant to the Geneva-based Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue.

Lord George Robertson

Former Secretary General of NATO

Lord George Robertson of Port Ellen KT GCMG was tenth Secretary General of NATO (1999-2003) and before that UK Secretary of State for Defence between 1997-99. During his time at NATO he announced the invoking of the self-defence guarantee, Article 5 – the first time in NATO’s history. He was a Member of the House of Commons for 21 years, a member of the Shadow Cabinet from 1993-7, named Parliamentarian of the Year in 1992 and appointed to the House of Lords in 1999. He was Chief Opposition Spokesman on Europe for nine years.