A mathematical attempt to map the psychology of conflict, John von Neumann’s Game Theory is one of the most famous and important ideas of our age. But how does it actually work?
Zero Sum Game. The Prisoners Dilemma. Nuclear Deterrence…
Created by the mathematical genius and father of the modern computer, John von Neumann, many of the key ideas in Game Theory have become part of our everyday lexicon, and play a major role in everything from military and geopolitical strategy to the keyword auctions that make billions of dollars for Amazon and Google.
Few of us have a firm grasp on this intimidating and complex field: but now von Neumann’s biographer, Ananyo Bhattacharya, is here to help. In this livestream talk, he will explore the creation of this dazzling science in layman’s terms, providing a masterclass suitable for those of us without higher degrees in mathematics but with a desire to make sense of the thinking that governs so much of contemporary life.
Von Neumann’s dream was to create a discipline that framed human cooperation and conflict in truly mathematical terms: a revolutionary idea that caught on in the Cold War era that has left its mark indelibly on our own. Don’t miss this chance to get to grips with one of the most dazzling intellectual achievements of the modern world.
‘If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realise how complicated life is.’ John von Neumann