Brain fog is not a diagnosis in itself but a sign that things aren’t right in your body. Trinity College neuroscientist Sabina Brennan is here to help you feel like yourself again.
If you complain of brain fog to a medical professional, you’re likely to be told that it isn’t a recognised condition. But if you mention brain fog to your friends, they’ll know exactly what you mean: fuzzy thinking, trouble concentrating, a sense of grasping for the right word, feeling like your brain is somehow slowed down.
Dr Sabina Brennan is here to help. A neuroscientist and health psychologist at Trinity College Dublin, she also advises governments and global businesses, influencing policy and practice around brain fog, ageing, dementia, migraine and MS.
In this livestream talk, she will explain the science of how our brains work, and why we might experience confusion and anxiety. Addressing the multiple causes of brain fog from that caused by hormonal changes, ageing and chemotherapy, to childbirth, medications, ill health, stress and more, she will give you tools to help identify your own cognitive profile, determining your specific symptoms and potential causes, and offers simple strategies to help you feel like yourself again.