Most of us think the law is only relevant to criminals, if we even think of it at all. But the law touches every area of our lives: from intimate family matters to the biggest issues in our society.
In conversation for this exclusive event, Alexandra Wilson and the Secret Barrister will share their experiences of the law, and how it is broken – even more so, for both barristers and the public, if they are black, working class, or both.
As a junior criminal and family law barrister, Alexandra found herself navigating a world and a set of rules designed by a privileged few. Speaking with raw honesty, Alexandra will open up about being a mixed-race woman from a non-traditional background in a profession that is sorely lacking in diverse representation, working within a justice system in which a disproportionately large number of black and mixed-race people are charged, convicted and sent to prison. She’ll share stories from her time in court – how it feels to defend someone who hates the colour of your skin or being mistaken for a defendant three times in one session purely because of your race.
The Secret Barrister returns to reveal the stupidity, malice and incompetence behind many of the biggest legal stories of recent years. He’ll highlight how our unfamiliarity with the law makes us vulnerable to political lies and media spin, allowing the powerful and the ignorant to corrupt justice without our knowledge. Touching on the recent news agenda – whether it’s the parole of John Worboys, the case of Shamima Begum or the never-ending saga of Brexit – the Secret Barrister will consider how a big story shows how much we care, but how little we understand the law and how it functions.
Taking you from your own home to the halls of Westminster, this is the truth about justice and the justice system, as entertaining as it is vital.
This event is held in partnership with Fane:
The event will initially be broadcast on 1st June at 20:00 UK time. It will be available to view up to a week after the event has ended and can be accessed Worldwide. If you live in a time zone that does not suit the initial broadcast time you can watch it at any point after the initial showing for one week. ‘Stream and Book’ packages including Fake Law by The Secret Barrister (RRP £20) and In Black and White (RRP £16.99) by Alexandra Wilson are available to purchase, simply click below in order to purchase. The ‘Stream Only’ package consists of a ticket to the live stream only.