Frankie Boyle Meets George Monbiot - The Fight Against Neoliberalism | How To Academy


Frankie Boyle Meets George Monbiot – The Fight Against Neoliberalism

Legendary environmentalist George Monbiot joins comic Frankie Boyle to take on neoliberalism: the insidious doctrine impoverishing society and threatening democracy itself.

Why are are the rich getting richer? Why is prosperity moving further and further out of reach for most people? An iconoclast unafraid to speak truth to power, George Monbiot joins comedian Frankie Boyle to take on the fringe philosophy which the wealthy elite have hijacked to guard their fortunes and power. While neoliberalism permeates society, from our mental and economic wellbeing to the foundation of democracy itself, the fight to restore democracy to the people is far from over. George reveals how we can fight back.

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