Olia Hercules and Alissa Timoshkina - #CookForUkraine | How To Academy


Olia Hercules and Alissa Timoshkina – #CookForUkraine

Join us for a special episode in support of #CookForUkraine, a campaign organised by the food writers Olia Hercules and Alissa Timoshkina to support children and families affected by the war.

#CookForUkraine raises awareness and funds through a shared appreciation of the rich tradition of Ukrainian cooking with supper clubs, events and encouraging people to share recipes, along with the stories behind the dishes. In its first weeks Olia and Alissa have whipped up an extraordinary amount of support from everyone from Jamie Oliver to Nigella Lawson as well as numerous restaurants and institutions.

Here they talk to Hannah MacInnes about the campaign, about the war and the tragic impact it is having on both the people of Ukraine and of Russia, on their families and friends, the strong cultural ties between the two countries, their rich culinary traditions and much more.

Please head to their website and justgiving page at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/cookforukraine to find out more and to donate.

Special thanks to Layla Bakery in Notting Hill for hosting the conversation.


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