How to Reset Your Mind, Body, and Relationships | How To Academy

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How to Reset Your Mind, Body, and Relationships

Dr Rangan Chatterjee

22 mins watch time

Posted September 2019

Wellbeing, Conference Video, Medicine

Dr Rangan Chatterjee is on a mission to show that combating stress is easier than you think. He shows how a small change in the way you approach your body-mind relationship’s purpose can help you lead a more fulfilled, calmer life.
‘It’s thought that between 70 and 90 percent of GP consultations are related to stress,’ says Dr Rangan Chatterjee. This has to change. As a practising GP he’s seen firsthand how stress affects his patients and has found simple but effective methods to help them. Rangan offers simple and achievable interventions to help you reset your life, offering simple tools for how to cope with modern life.